Happy New Year!

Happy New Year

I’m sitting here in a Starbucks, waiting for our fifth child to get here. The hospital told us they don’t need us there right now, but not to leave town. So Heather and I have been walking a lot, trying to get this delivery to progress.

In the meantime, we’re sitting in a Starbucks, and I’m reviewing the past twelve months, as well as looking ahead.

It’s been a crazy year. Heather’s pregnancy, Dad’s sickness, and a busy life with four kids, almost five.

And it’s been a year full of reading. I think I may have read more in the last twelve months than I ever have in a year’s span before. As a result of my reading, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and meditating.

As I look forward into 2011, I’m trying to make sure that my life is lived with intentionality. I want to make sure this happens in my marriage, family life and ministry. One of the things I’m doing over the next few months is reviewing and updating my dreams, plans and goals; in short, updating my life plan.

I’m sure that you will be seeing a lot about my plans and goals in the coming months.

But for now, here are a couple of places where you can read some great advice for creating a life plan, and how to use it to create margin and more effectiveness in your life.

Check out Ron Edmondson’s five part plan on creating a life plan.

And here is Michael Hyatt’s guide to creating a life plan.

Do you have a life plan? What are you doing to revisit it for 2011?

Oh, yeah… Happy New Year!